Peter Diamond

Remembered by Andrew Miles

It is with great sadness and I'm not ashamed to say a few tears, that I would like to let you know that Peter Diamond has sadly passed away.

I have to say as I write, I am shattered by the news. Peter has been a personal friend for many years. He was the man who showed me what the perfect Gentleman looked like. At over 80 years old, he would still stand up and give his seat to a lady on a tram!

He was so proud of Blackpool, "The Showbiz capital of England". I was fortunate to see the Tower Circus, Hot Ice and The Craig Christian show with Peter - memories of galloping down the Promenade of Blackpool in a horse drawn cart will stay with me forever! I believe if there had been a time to have been born to see the best of magic, it was in Peter' lifetime!

As an Aircraft engineer and fabulous model boat maker, Peter give his love and talent to magic. In my opinion he was magic's greatest maker! I would like to thank Peter Diamond for sharing his stories of his life in magic, for his un-wavering friendship, and for making my phenomenal props, which I will treasure forever! When the lights of Blackpool illuminated this year, I know his spirit will be there. Magic's just lost a legend, I'm missing you already Peter Diamond.

Magically yours for eternity, your friend,

Andrew Miles.

Andrew Miles, July 2017



