Marc Kerstein Zoom Lecture
South London Magic Society
March 2021
Reviewed by Simon Rosselli, President South London Magic Society

South London Magic Society recently had Marc Kerstein lecture to us (over Zoom) about the apps he’s developed for the magic world, such as WikiTest, Xeno, Earworm, WebFX, Amalgam, and Facade, to name a few.


The work behind each one, and the thought process that goes into it all was amazing, to say the least. You could see that above all, he's a working pro so he's covered all the angles and issues that could be addressed - such as needing to get your phone out for a reason; his work on his innovative methods; the dark screen mode, and the opaque mode in Facade - some of which were game changers.


He was more than happy to answer any questions – going into some of the intricacies and workings of each app and was more than generous with his time. He was also very generous with offering some bundles/discounts at the end which a number of club members have taken up already. The lecture came across really well over Zoom, as we were able to on-screen two phones at the same time – what Marc was seeing and what the spectator was seeing and how the phones changed in real time.


It was really professionally done and I would highly recommend it to other clubs looking for an interesting evening.


© Simon Rosselli, President South London Magic Society, March 2021



