Steve Gore Lecture

Maltese Ring of the I.B.M.
January 2020
Reviewed by Vanni Pule'

As the Maltese Ring of the I.B.M. we were lucky to have Steve Gore coming over from the U.K. and lecturing as part of a project supported by the Project Support Grant, Malta Arts Fund - Arts Council Malta.


Steve, with his usual charm and humour, presented an array of original effects that are very portable and that are suited to many types of performance situations.


In first routine, 'Together Forever', the most recent he has released, he takes the 'Anniversary Waltz' principle and translates it into a surprising climax where two separately signed cards become welded, albeit misaligned, and can be handed out and kept as a souvenir. This was a gem for magicians who perform at wedding, anniversary or engagement receptions.


The lecture included a number of specially printed decks that contained some ingenious and imperceptible markings that could provide crucial information to the performer. These included 'The Amnesia Deck' a set up pack that requires no memorising, and the 'GPS Deck' which is marked on the extreme long edges of the cards. A cute revelation of a chosen card involved a case used for spectacles that is customised for the trick. 'Visions of Vegas' is a different and very ingenious book test that lends itself to various revelations. He also demonstrated 'Casino Con' a routine with poker chips and a joker and a very visual, yet simple transposition of a knot on a rope which he calls 'Transport'.


Everything was explained clearly and items that are difficult to manufacture were made available.

© Vanni Pule', January 2020



